We do it regularly. May it be girls or even guys nowadays, every one is addicted to it. We can't start our day without it. Hmmm.... So any guesses what I might be talking till now??? Any idea?? Okay might not be enough, lets be more specific to it and stick to the major details. We can't judge ourselves without looking over it *TODAY'S GENERATION*. Sometimes we might also end up talking to it, rather talking to ourselves looking at it and end up being tagged crazy by whoever sees us doing it. And lastly, it defines every single detail of whatever we want to know about ourselves. Fine! I cant give you more any more hints! Its 'The MIRROR'
Most of us wake up in the morning and straight away walk to the washroom, close the door, pick up a brush and then we look up at ourselves into the mirror. You get dressed up and decide about yourselves looking at the mirror. You judge yourselves on the basis of what the piece of glass is reflecting back. Finally when you come back home, even though you are totally satisfied with your day work, you look at the mirror and the whole satisfaction hangs itself. Doesn't it? Doesnt it bother you when you see those dark tired marks on your face after you come? Ohh... it surely does. And again you end up judging yourselves on the basis of that mirror and not on your calibure.
What I am actually emphasizing is on the fact that 'You grade yourselves on the piece of glass and not on your satisfaction level". If you do so, then think about it twice before spoiling your good night sleep for it. Are those dark marks the signs of how appropriate you are or are they the signs of how hardworking you are?
On a positive note, yes it is important that you give importance to every aspect of your life, may that be your inherent happiness or the external ones. But Is it worth loosing your peace for such stupidity developed thinking process.
Common! think about it, what your personality does to you isnt the same with what your looks does to you. Be confident about yourself, about every thing you do. That mirror is just a tool to show you who you are. Not to define you are. And most importantly, its not the one who can make you doubt on your own self.
What I am actually emphasizing is on the fact that 'You grade yourselves on the piece of glass and not on your satisfaction level". If you do so, then think about it twice before spoiling your good night sleep for it. Are those dark marks the signs of how appropriate you are or are they the signs of how hardworking you are?
On a positive note, yes it is important that you give importance to every aspect of your life, may that be your inherent happiness or the external ones. But Is it worth loosing your peace for such stupidity developed thinking process.
Common! think about it, what your personality does to you isnt the same with what your looks does to you. Be confident about yourself, about every thing you do. That mirror is just a tool to show you who you are. Not to define you are. And most importantly, its not the one who can make you doubt on your own self.